• Understanding The Investor IDD Process

    The first video series to detail how Venture Capital funds and other professional early stage investors conduct the comprehensive process of Investor Due Diligence.

  • Fund Spotlight Interviews

    Beginning in 2024, Mindset will evolve the Investor Interview Series to include a new format which focuses on the venture fund’s key investment beliefs, industry and style focus, what they’re looking to invest in now and much more.

  • York IE – Fuel Platform

    York IE’s Fuel Platform is a a proprietary strategic growth platform which allows every startup a self-serve, low-cost opportunity to access York IE’s growth help.

  • MindsetXchange

    MindsetXchange addressees the challenges of early stage capital raise by combining education from real fund managers, investor due diligence preparation, investor marketing and systematic investor performance reports.

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The gallery below begins with the most recent interviews uploaded throughout Mindset Founders platform.

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Investor Interview Series

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