York IE’s Fuel Platform is a a proprietary strategic growth platform which allows every startup a self-serve, low-cost opportunity to access York IE’s growth help.
Included with your free plan:
*Mindset Startup Academy and York IE are not affiliated. Mindset provides this content in the Mindset Founders online portal as an optional resource to complement your Mindset Founders and/or MindsetXchange experience. Mindset does formally offer, financially benefit nor service York IE and/or Fuel Platform related resources. For any of your Fuel Platform related questions or inquiries, please contact York IE directly via their website at https://fuel.york.ie.
*Mindset Startup Academy and York IE are not affiliated. Mindset provides this content in the Mindset Founders online portal as an optional resource to complement your Mindset Founders and/or MindsetXchange experience. Mindset does formally offer, financially benefit nor service York IE and/or Fuel Platform related resources. For any of your Fuel Platform related questions or inquiries, please contact York IE directly via their website at https://fuel.york.ie.
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This website is issued by Mindset Startup Academy.