Welcome to the Free Fund Spotlight Interview Series Application Process. Follow the instructions below to begin.
Not all early stage investors who apply for the Fund Spotlight Interview Series are guaranteed a free interview. The primary reason for default would include, but not limited to: individual accredited / non accredited investors, individual angel investors, entrepreneurial programs, startup competitions and/or lack of previous early stage investment history. Most Pre Seed, Seed and/or Series A focused funds / groups are permissible.
Post completion of the Fund Spotlight Interview Application shown below at the bottom of this page, please allow Mindset up to 10 business days to complete your application review process. Upon the submission of the application below, you will be automatically redirected to a new web page which will provide further details in regards to the application approval process and next steps.
Should you be approved for a Fund Spotlight Interview, there is no cost to you and/or team for completing the interview process. Upon conclusion of the post interview production process, Mindset gifts to you copies of all high quality HD video content produced by Mindset.
After You’ve Read The Application Process Above, Please Complete The Formal Application Shown Below.
Your will be redirected to a new webpage which includes a video instruction on what to expect next.
Thank you for taking the time to complete your Fund Spotlight Interview Series application. We look forward to working with you.
Without any limitation, this website does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer nor a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Mindset Startup Academy is not a law firm, nor does it provide tax, legal and/or securities or investment related advice. The information herein does not constitute the provision of investment advice or a recommendation; its sole purpose is to provide information of a general nature and, potentially, to generate interest for transactions at a future time for proposals. Changes to this website may be made without notice. Although the information contained herein has been taken from sources believed to be accurate, no warranty or representation is made as to the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the information or the assessments made on its basis.
Please take appropriate advice including legal, tax, accounting and actuarial advice prior to entering into any transaction.
This website is issued by Mindset Startup Academy.