Mindset introduces a revolutionary platform designed to connect the supply and demand functions within the early stage community, creating greater opportunity for Founders as well as early stage professional investors.
MindsetXchange goes beyond a Founder's ability to complete a pitch at a single moment in time, and Mindset approved investors to track that Founder's performance over time. MindsetXchange is built as an investor's secondary deal pipeline, allowing you to screen our growing audience of early stage listed companies. Add listed companies to your watchlist, and engage if when you're ready.
Effective & efficient Information Flow Is Crucial
Most Founders are familiar with pitch decks and product demos, yet lack the knowledge around investor due diligence as well as information reporting.
Founders are often capable of a great investor pitch. However many are not familiar with the comprehensive nature of Investor Due Diligence, the process after the pitch and before the check. This reality is equivalent to sitting for a final exam for which you've never studied. With MidnsetXchange, participating investors get a rare opportunity to truly access a Founder's overall knowledge and understanding.
'Point In Time Risk' refers to the risk most Founders face when an investor assesses their opportunity and all associated assumptions at a single point in time. As early stage investors we're familiar with the proportion of our deal pipeline that is interesting, but not quite done baking in the oven. With MindsetXchange we provide you the ability to keep a pulse on the interesting, and convert to real opportunities when the time is right.
The moment a Founder engagement is over, it's often difficult to keep an accurate feedback loop in place. With MidnsetXchange you gain access to qualitative and quantitative performance reports, customizable watch lists, the ability to send a private message and much more. Allow the power of Mindset's growing audience of early stage Founders to run concurrently with your existing deal procurement processes.
The power of the live systematic reporting
MindsetXchange contains hours of instructional video content, as well as topical insights from real VCs, to assist Founders in the development and maintenance of their customized Live Investor Due Diligence (IDD) Report.
Most investors / funds conduct due diligence utilizing the same primary factors. This point was proven by over 75 professional early stage investors in Mindset's IDD Investor Interview Series. MindsetXchange's IDD educational series teaches Founders about the topics and data points most useful to your decision making process. Creating more meaningful engagements with Founders.
Going Beyond The Pitch involves a Founder's ability to not only comprehend the factors often utilized in your review process, but also the ability to create hyper fluent descriptions which are easily digestible. Gain incredible insights into a Founder(s) level of market awareness and business knowledge, going beyond products and features. Detailed market and competitive analyses, product roadmaps, ideal client profiles, and a well laid vision of the Founder's proposed journey to success.
To create a continued hedge against 'Point In Time Risk', MindsetXchange allows listed companies to update your Investor Due Diligence (IDD) Report at any time, thus creating a live reporting feed which reflects their company's ongoing evolution. Track a company's journey from pre revenue to post revenue, follow a listed company's qualitative and quantitative traction, and build trend lines to identify if and when a listed company may match your preferred investment criteria.
The power & benefits of
To completement your Live IDD Report, MindsetXchange also provides listed companies the ability to input Investor Performance Reports at any time.
Whether your focus is in Pre Seed, Seed and/or Series A, most early stage investors have particular prerequisites that a company must possess prior to investment. MindsetXchange's listed company platform provides a template structure, for pre rev and post rev companies, which allows Founders to provide particular data points and KPIs often most useful to early stage investors. Systematic reviews of these KPIs can provide tremendous insights as to the company's projectory.
How a Founder(s) perform prior to revenue growth can tell you a lot about the qualitative makeup of a team. Their ability to to stay capital efficient, and grind. And when a team does reach early revenue, its important to track how the team manages their growth and efficiencies. With MindsetXchange's Investor Performance Updates, you and your team gain the transparency you need to get a real read on an opportunity. And engage on your terms.
Courting and engaging with a team over time, prior to investment, is quite frequent in the early stage community. Yet our time and resources often limit the number of companies who may command our attention at any one time. Thus, our focus at MindsetXchange is to remove the friction, and make it easier for investors / funds like yourself to grow your audience of tracked companies over time without the additional time and expense. All for free with your approved access to MindsetXchange.
Without any limitation, this website does not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer nor a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Mindset Startup Academy is not a law firm, nor does it provide tax, legal and/or securities or investment related advice. The information herein does not constitute the provision of investment advice or a recommendation; its sole purpose is to provide information of a general nature and, potentially, to generate interest for transactions at a future time for proposals. Changes to this website may be made without notice. Although the information contained herein has been taken from sources believed to be accurate, no warranty or representation is made as to the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the information or the assessments made on its basis.
Please take appropriate advice including legal, tax, accounting and actuarial advice prior to entering into any transaction.
This website is issued by Mindset Startup Academy.